Making Good Decisions About Taking Medication
Christine McCall, LCSW, CADC
Addiction Recovery Specialist, Addiction Services, JCFS Chicago
For many older adults, there is that nagging question: “Should I take something for this condition?” Often, older adults are taking five or more medications and are hesitant to add another. A friend may recommend an over-the-counter medication that they claim is a “life changer.” An adult child may suggest an herbal supplement that appears to have some evidence-based support for its effectiveness. Every specialist consulted may encourage the addition of yet one more medication to treat a very specific symptom. Social media and online searches can provide a lot of information but it is challenging to wade through it all and to know what is trustworthy.
This presentation will help participants sort through confusing information about medications and clarify how you and your physician can work together to determine what is the best decision for you.
Friday, March 14, 2025 • 11 am–Noon CT
Free, virtual event
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. For more information contact Sharon Dornberg-Lee at
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